The Little Mermaid

Today I took the kids to see The Little Mermaid. It was a last minute invite that turned out to be 3 hours play. It was a disaster. I spent the first half making laps around the entire building and the second half in the car.


 Natalie enjoyed it though. She was impressed by the costumes and sets, and some of her dance friends were in it. So in the end it was worth the effort.

I haven’t been making a lot of specific Pippa updates because growth at this age is so fast. Pippa says new words everyday. She is into everything and loves to climb. She is so bright and bubbly, sweet and fiesty, and always on the verge of plummeting off of something. 

One thought on “The Little Mermaid

  1. What beautiful children our family’s been blessed with !!!!!!! Praise God !!! Please send photo to my phone !!! LU ALLLLLLLL


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